Page 33 - Urban Diversity Kochbuch Englisch
P. 33
8 8 1–1,5 Stunden MEDIUM
60-90 MIN.
Roll out the shortcrust pastry into a square or circle, depend- the next layer of filo pastry and prick it several times with
ing on whether you have a square or round baking tray. The a toothpick. Fill with half of the curd cheese filling, drizzle
quantity prepared here is for a square baking tray of 40 x 35 cm with clarified butter and top with the cream topping. Cover
or a round one with a diameter of 35 cm (height approx. 7–9 cm). up with the next layer of filo pastry and fill with half of the
The thickness of the shortcrust pastry should not exceed walnut filling, drizzle with clarified butter and top with the
5 mm. It’s a kind of plinth for the gibanica. Roll out the pastry cream topping. Cover with the next layer of filo pastry, which
so that it will also cover the sides. Grease the tray on the is filled with the apple filling, and so on.
base and up the sides. Place the pastry in it, pierce it several Repeat all four layers once again, from bottom up: poppy
times with a fork and bake in the oven for approx. 5 minutes seed filling, curd cheese filling, walnut filling, apple filling.
at 180° C. Take the pastry from the oven and wait until it is Between the fillings are layers of filo pastry and toppings.
completely cooled. Finish the process with a layer of filo pastry and grease it
Divide the filo pastry into ten equal portions grease them with the clarified butter and cream topping.
with oil and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature. Prick gibanica several times with a thin needle and push
Place one portion of pastry on the floured cloth, roll out and the needle to the bottom. Bake in an oven at 180–200° C for
grease with the butter. Then pull and stretch it evenly with about 1 hour.
your hands to the desired shape and size. Be careful not to Gibanica should be cut and served in squares or triangles.
tear the pastry. Place the pastry into the baking tray, over
the shortcrust pastry, fill with half of the poppy seed filling,
drizzle with clarified butter (which has been warmed up to a The recipe is taken from the original, protected recipe of the as-
liquid), and top with the sour cream topping. Cover up with sociation Društvo za promocijo in zaščito prekmurskih dobrot.
Matej Fišer